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President's Blog

President's Blog

Lee Anne Steel5 Nov 2024 - 21:43

Update from President Lee Anne Steel


I just wanted to give another quick update on some things that are going on round the club.

The management committee are still working hard to move the club forward in the right direction. We had a meeting where we invited Shirley-Anne Smith along from the council to discuss transition and retention. We have a number of challenges in the playing side that we want to start addressing now to build for the long term. We had a really positive meeting but there is a lot of work ahead. We want to make sure the work we do is right to achieve our vision and sustainable for the future. I have an action to pull together what was discussed and build an action plan.

We have been discussing not only what we do but how we do it. There has been a lot of talk of values round the club and we have been digging into this a bit further. We want to have a clear set of values that will help us reach our vision. We would like to engage everyone involved in the club and have come up with a Values Roadshow. I did a trial run with the youth and management committee. Our next steps are to engage people round the club to get their feedback. We are tailoring our sessions so all our young people can be involved too. The first open session is on 17th November at 5pm, more sessions to be announced.

The first session will be followed by a club member financial update. We are keen to share the progress made since the last update and a forecast going to the end of year accounts.

It has been a busy few weeks for games and I have especially delighted to see our Girls back in action on the pitch. We have about 12 regularly training but over a few age groups so we have buddied up with other clubs to get games. The feedback is super positive and we'll continue to look to grow numbers to build our squads back up. The women have started training with the girls and at the moment it's only a few but it is really bringing on the girls and is fingers crossed the start of getting a women's team back on the pitch. Our DO Sam and I have been coaching and working with the schools to look to recruit.

Our U18s were unfortunately knocked out the bowl by a really well drilled Orkney side. I am sure they will do well in the competition. It's a pleasure to see our boys progress especially since they are mostly the younger age bracket. Our U15/16 have joined with Grangemouth as they are low in numbers but getting good game time and they also have an unfortunate outcome in the cup game at the weekend.

Our youth section continue to play pretty much weekly and if you have time on a Sunday please come along and watch them play. The future is bright, the enthusiasm for the game by both players and coaches (and all other volunteers) is infectious.

We are still working to figure out the best options for the kitchen and roof, however it hasn't stopped the clubhouse committee running some fantastic events and more planned!

One of my actions is to put together a board of faces and roles, which I can hopefully share online. I think it's important people see the depth of work going on in the club and who is involved. It's a bit of an undertaking but I am hoping I will have it out for Christmas.

This weekend sees our senior men's team back in cup action away to Trinity (1:30 kick off) I wish them the best and hope you can make it along to see them too.

As always if you have any questions or want a chat my door is open. Drop me a message here or email Thank you for reading.

Further reading